Recently, my Netflix queue (Hello, my name is Dr. Harvey and I am a Netflix addict) presented me with Downton Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. Netflix's expectation was that I would give it a full 5 stars, so I obliged the gentle folks by watching it. I wish there were a 6 star option.

That aside, the show is outstanding. I almost feel like watching it again! I have access to the British version and I might just do so to see those portion that were deemed too boring or inaccessible to my American palate.
First off, everything is beautiful. The house is breathtaking, the grounds gorgeous and the people (less Edith and Mrs. Patmore) are stunning, each in their own right. The acting and direction are superb. The moral truths are eternal and subtle.

· Lord Grantham (about Matthew wanting to get rid of Molesley): “Is that quite fair, to deprive a man of his livelihood when he’s done nothing wrong? Your mother derives some satisfaction from her work at the hospital, I think, some sense of self worth? Would you really deny the same to poor old Molesley? And when you are master here, is the butler to be dismissed? Or the footmen? How many maids or kitchen staff will be allowed to stay, or must every one be driven out? We all have different parts to play, and we must all be allowed to play them.”
· Lord Grantham to Lady Mary: "If I'd made my own fortune and bought Downton for myself it should be yours without question, but I did not. My fortune is the work of others who laboured to build a great dynasty. Do I have the right to destroy their work or impoverish that dynasty? I am a custodian, my dear, not an owner. I must strive to be worthy of the task I've been set. If I could take Mama's money out of the estates Downton would have to be sold to pay for it. Is that what you want? To see Matthew a landless peer with a title, but no means to pay for it?"

How is it that two wonderful parents could generate such wicked spawn?

The servants are what make make the story real fun. Bates, Grantham’s valet, is an honorable man. Perhaps too honorable for his own good. Bates’ nemeses are O’Brien and Thomas. At first I thought they were equally evil. Then it appears that O’Brien does have something of a conscience and Thomas is void of anything at all.
All in all, it’s probably the best show I’ve seen in years. Even with the edited out minutes. But here is the best news: Season 2 premieres on PBS tomorrow night (1/8/12) at 9pm. I’m as giddy as a schoolgirl. Although I might search the interwebs to see if I can find the British version… I don’t think I want to have those minutes stolen from me again!
An absolutely magnificent show I've also become obsessed with. The countdown is on until the premiere on Sunday! Interested to see how the war effects the cast and their day to day interactions.
ReplyDelete Not that I'm publicly condoning this... but you know...