Sunday, December 18, 2011

Who is William Harvey?

William Harvey was a physician in 17th Century England, who was the first westerner to posit that blood circulated through the body. His seminal work, De Motu Cordis (On the Motion of the Heart), argued for and described how blood moved about the body- hitherto, it was believed that blood just sort of sat there... or something. Although he thought blood moved the opposite direct that it actual does, he was on to something. So why do you care? I don't expect you to. I just thought this was a good persona to adopt.


  1. Not to pick nits or anything, but you're statement about the wrong direction is wrong. People before him had discovered the valves in veins and from all his experiments tying off arteries and veins and then cutting them open, he knew which direction things went.
    --the historian of science
